Apple > Accessibility
MAKE YOURS: The Accessibility community is larger than you might think. Almost everyone is likely to experience some form of disability, temporary or permanent, at some point in their lives. According to the WHO, over 1 billion people live with a disability, and many of these disabilities are invisible. At Apple, Accessibility is both a value and a collection of technologies designed into everything we make. But based on our research, the Accessibility website didn’t connect with the needs of the community. It was 26 pages of long-form copy and images of people with visible disabilities; not a very accessible experience. Now a 5-page website, it was the first-ever on to be awarded an AA+ rating by Apple’s Accessibility Center of Excellence. Visually and narratively, my art partner and I directed the team to speak “to” our audience, rather than “about” them. First, by shifting the tone of voice from “we” to “you”. Second, with a more inclusive set of illustrations that allowed more range when depicting people living with a disability. The Make Yours campaign applies art & copy techniques to communicate how the innovation behind these features lets you make something wonderful.